In short, it finds all computer objects in the domain, with an OS that isn't 'Unknown' or 'Windows Server 2003', and attempts to copy 'perfc' to the C:\Windows directory of each machine. I'm not supplying a copy of the file, only the mechanism to deploy it.
If you wish to test the scripts behaviour on a subset of computers on your domain, I've deliberately left a (commented out) searchbase filter on line 24 -
#$WindowsComputers = (get-adcomputer -server $dc -filter * -SearchBase "ou=SOMEOU,dc=YOUR,dc=DOMAIN,dc=HERE").name
....that you can adjust as necessary. Once you've amended line 24, comment out line 20 -
$WindowsComputers = (Get-ADComputer -Server $DC -filter {}).name
This script is provided 'as-is' without warranty of any kind.
EDIT: Fixed bug where summary reported the successful count as the failed count and vice versa
# Powershell script to copy PerfC vaccine to computers found in Active Directory
# by Daniel Shuttleworth
# credit to @KieranWalsh for his WannaCry PoSH script that this script makes use of
# You must specify a source location for PerfC
$Source = "C:\Windows\Perfc"
# You must specify a domain controller here
$DC = "somedc.your.domain"
# Log directory
$log = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath "PerfC presence status for $($ENV:USERDOMAIN).log"
# Find computer objects in Active Directory
$WindowsComputers = (Get-ADComputer -Server $DC -filter {(OperatingSystem -notlike 'Windows Server 2003*') -and (OperatingSystem -notlike 'Unknown')}).name | Sort-Object
# If you want to test the script and filter on an OU, I've left the below in..
#$WindowsComputers = (get-adcomputer -server $dc -filter * -SearchBase "ou=SOMEOU,dc=YOUR,dc=DOMAIN,dc=HERE").name
# Count computers found in the domain
$ComputerCount = $WindowsComputers.count
"There are $ComputerCount computers in the domain"
# Create arrays to deliver counts at the end of processing
$PerfCPresent = @()
$Offline = @()
$CopyFail = @()
$CopySuccess = @()
# Loop through each computer found in the domain and vaccinate if required
foreach ($computer in $WindowsComputers)
# Check computer is online
if (Test-Connection $computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop)
# Check if device already has a PerfC file
$CheckPerfC = Test-Path \\$computer\C$\Windows\Perfc
# If it does, skip to the next computer
if ($CheckPerfC -eq $true)
Write-Host -fore Green "File already present, skipping " -NoNewline; write-host -fore White $computer
$PerfCPresent += $computer
# If it doesn't exist, copy the file and check it copies successfully
if ($CheckPerfC -eq $false)
write-host -fore Yellow "Copying to " -NoNewline; write-host -fore white $computer
# Copy the file
Copy-Item C:\Windows\perfc \\$Computer\C$\Windows\
$CheckPerfCCopy = Test-Path \\$Computer\C$\Windows\perfc
if ($CheckPerfCCopy -eq $true)
Write-Host -fore Green "File copied successfully to " -NoNewline; write-host -fore White $computer
$CopySuccess += $computer
if ($CheckPerfCCopy -eq $false)
Write-Host -fore Yellow "File not found on " -NoNewline; write-host -fore White $computer -nonewline; write-host -fore Yellow " copy appears to have failed!"
$CopyFail += $computer
Catch { $Offline+=$Computer }
# Summarise findings
"Summary for domain: $ENV:USERDNSDOMAIN"
"PerfC Present ($($PerfCPresent.count)):" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
$PerfCPresent -join (', ') | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
'' | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
"PerfC Copy Succeeded($($CopySuccess.count)):" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
$CopySuccess -join (', ') | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
'' | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
"PerfC Copy Failed($($CopyFail.count)):" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
$CopyFail -join (', ') | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
'' | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
"Offline/Untested($(($Offline).count)):" | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
$Offline -join (', ') | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append
"Of the $($WindowsComputers.count) windows computers in active directory, $($Offline.count) were off, $($CopyFail.count) had issues copying PerfC, $($CopySuccess.count) were vaccinated this run and $($PerfCPresent.count) had a PerfC vaccine present already."
'Full details in the log file.'
Start-Process -FilePath notepad++ -ArgumentList $log
Start-Process -FilePath notepad.exe -ArgumentList $log
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