Thursday, 1 September 2016

Importing, looping and looping some more..

I've had some issues deploying PowerShell scripts recently via SCCM because some of our clients remain on old versions of the Windows Management Framework and PS2.0. To get around the issue I wrote a short script that makes the required changes from my own machine - or some other, logged on with the appropriate rights.

The example script imports the contents of a specified CSV file, loops through each computer, loops through each user profile on that computer and manipulates an ini file, if found, within any user profile on the device.


$Computers = Get-Content "\\server\some\share\computers.csv"

# Loop through computers

foreach ($computer in $computers)
 Write-Host "Connecting to $computer"
 $CheckComp = Test-Path "\\$computer\C$"
 #If computer is offline
 if ($CheckComp -eq $False)
  Write-Host -fore Red "Can't contact $computer - is it online?"
  sleep 1
 #If computer is online
 if ($CheckComp -eq $True)
  # Grab the remote contents of C:\Users
  $users = get-childitem "\\$computer\C$\Users\"
  # Loop through the remote users and manipulate the .ini file
  foreach ($user in $users)
   $Path = "\\$computer\C$\Users\$user\AppData\Roaming\SomeApplication\LicenseDetails.ini"
   $PathExists = Test-Path $path
   if ($PathExists -eq $true)
    (Get-Content $Path).replace('proxyUse=-1', 'proxyUse=-0') | set-content $Path
    (Get-Content $Path).replace('', 'proxyHost=') | set-content $Path
    (Get-Content $Path).replace('proxyPort=8080', 'proxyPort=') | set-content $Path
    write-host "$user's license file changed"


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